Un clon de flipboard con un potencial de alcance masivo. Así describe Joshua Benton en un artículo en Niemanlab, el site de nuevas tendencias periodísiticas de la Universidad de Harvard, la nueva iniciativa que ha presentado Apple en la última conferencia de desarrolladores.
La compañía de Cupertino ha presentado, según Benton, la keynote “más importante para los editores en años”, con contenidos personalizados y de primera calidad procedentes de los principales medios del mundo. Y lo hace pocas semanas después de que Facebook presentara Instant News. Algún medio, como Digiday, analiza las principales diferencias entre ambas.
Apple eliminará de iOS 9 la aplicación Newsstand que introdujo en el año 2011 y en su lugar incluirá la nueva aplicación, Apple News. Esta nueva app recogerá artículos de la web así como de medios de comunicación y estará enfocada a proporcionar la mejor experiencia de usuario posible.
Para ello, la aplicación ordenará los contenidos según los intereses del lector, los datos no serán compartidos con terceros, lo que quiere decir que los editores no podrán seguir los pasos de sus usuarios. A cambio Apple News ofrecerá a los editores la capacidad de promover las suscripciones, boletines y otras interacciones directas con los lectores, y les hará partícipes de un porcentaje de los ingresos que varía en función de quién comercialice los espacios publicitarios, Apple o el propio medio.
Esta semana analizamos en profundidad la nueva aplicación de noticias de Apple, en qué consiste y cuál es su ventaja competitiva respecto a sus competidores más directos.
For news organizations, this was the most important set of Apple announcements in years [inglés]
There wasn’t a lot of buildup beforehand, but today’s Apple keynote turned out to be the most important for publishers in years. (To be clear, there have been many more important Apple announcements for Apple. But this was the most important Apple announcement for news organizations since at least 2011, I think.)
4 questions about Apple’s new News app, answered [inglés]
Here are key questions about the app and what it may mean for media organizations, including partners such as The New York Times, ESPN, Bloomberg and The Atlantic.
Given the ubiquity of iPhones and iPads in the market, will it change the way journalism is delivered or consumed?
Apple News vs. Facebook Instant Articles: How they compare [inglés]
At its Worldwide Developer Conference Monday, Apple announced a new mobile news-reading product, News, with dozens of big media partners including The New York Times, Condé Nast and ESPN. Due out in the fall, News is the latest overture by platforms from Snapchat to Facebook to encourage publishers to distribute their content directly on their apps. Just last month, Facebook launched a similar product, Instant Articles, with nine news publishers including the Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic.
Why Apple May Be A Less Scary Publishing Partner Than Facebook [inglés]
When Apple unveiled its “News” app Monday, many observers noted the similarities to Facebook’s Instant Articles initiative.
Both services allow publishers to post their content directly to iOS. They have roughly the same terms for sharing advertising revenue. And both reflect the trend of publishers turning to third-party platforms for help distributing their content.
Apple News and Interest as a Product [inglés]
An important thing to understand about Apple is it is a company that builds products for people to buy. This sounds like a very simple and obvious thing but in tech it’s actually quite rare — most tech companies build platforms, networks, services, or ecosystems. Apple, of course, has their own platforms, networks, services, and ecosystems but they all serve a product, preferably a beautiful device, or an app that runs exclusively on that device.
Apple to Launch New Flipboard-Like App, While Newsstand Goes Away [inglés]
Last week, Time Inc. erected a paywall at Entertainment Weekly in what it says is the first of more to come for its titles. Others will follow this summer. Time Inc. is struggling to turn around its revenue declines and gain the confidence of Wall Street, so it needs to use all the levers it has. Many publishers have already begun doing the same: In a survey of its members a year ago, 95 percent of members of the trade association Digital Content Next had a paid subscription strategy.
Apple’s ‘News’ app stokes fear among journalists [inglés]
It’s called News. That’s it: News. The name sounds confident and all-encompassing. But once you have something like the News app, algorithmically compiling stories from the world’s biggest media organizations, what happens to existing news sites and apps? Who will control the distribution of the news?
Música, noticias y productividad, estrellas de la conferencia de Apple
It’s called News. That’s it: News. The name sounds confident and all-encompassing. But once you have something like the News app, algorithmically compiling stories from the world’s biggest media organizations, what happens to existing news sites and apps? Who will control the distribution of the news?
[Fotografía: Kevin T. Houle]